What is injection moulding of plastics

Injection molding Process

There are various processes for processing thermoplastic or thermosetting plastics. What is injection moulding of plastics Each process gives the plastic the desired shape. Common manufacturing processes for making plastics are given below. The process of plastic processing using a twin screw extruder is similar to that of a single screw extruder. But they rotate two screws in a hot barrel. The output of a twin screw extruder is typically three times that of a single screw extruder of the same diameter and speed.

In a counter-rotating twin screw extruder, the fabric is efficaciously squeezed between counter-rotating rolls. What is injection moulding of plastics  In a co-rotating system, material is transferred from one screw to another in a figure eight. This arrangement is best suited for heat-sensitive materials, as the material is moved through the extruder more quickly and there is less chance of entanglement. If the screws are interlocked, the movement around the screw will be slower, but the propulsive action will be greater.

Injection molding for thermosetting materials:

What is injection moulding of plastics

Thermoset molding is the reverse process of thermoplastics. What is injection moulding of plastics Thermoset molding is an irreversible process in which a chemical rather than a physical change occurs. The thermoset material is injected into the hot mold and then cooled to maintain the final shape of the part.

Special barrels and screws are used in this process. What is injection molding of plastics The barrel is kept warm (typically 80 to 120°C) because the material must not be cured in this part of the machine, as thermoplastics can be very hot. Also, high viscosity. What is injection moulding of plastics

In these materials, the screw must rotate at high torque and require high injection pressure.

Work policy

  • Discharge can created by forcing a material through the opening of a die.

What is injection moulding of plastics

  • In this, the powdered material, usually thermoplastic, is fed into a hopper. What is injection moulding of plastics

The heating chamber can moved by a screw conveyor. raw material

A viscous liquid forms in the heating chamber.

Then, the liquid can poured through the heated die.

  • The material coming out of the die rests on a moving conveyor and can cooled by water,

Air spray to get the size of the die opening.

  • Heavy plastic material can cut into required shapes and flexible plastic can produced.

curled up

In this, the granular material is fed from the hopper, in metered quantities, into a thermodynamic chamber, where it liquefies. Then, the soft plastic can forced into the die by a plunger. Injection molding dies ca used to solidify a molten plastic material. The injection pressure causes the liquid to drop. What is injection moulding of plastics After the cooling period, the wings can opened and the entire solid part can ejected.

In this the granular material can metered through a hopper into a thermoforming chamber where the material becomes a liquid.

The injection mold consists of two parts, which are the origin part of the mold. What is injection moulding of plastics The mating surfaces of the mold parts can precisely machined so that there is no plastic leakage into the split area. A number of additional modifications have can made to the basic mold components to guide mold mounting, molding cooling, and extrusion in the machine.

  • The resins then fall into the hot tube and can pushed against each other and with the hot tube.

Keep the screw (feeder) on until you get enough molten plastic

Needle tip tip.

  • The screw can tilted fully forward to force the plastic into the mold.
  • Based on each shaking action, one or more parts can formed.

Dye was used.

  • The ram can kept under pressure for a certain period until the part becomes solid.
  • The mold can then opened and the knockout pin ejects the cast piece.

Ejector Pin:

These are provided for easy removal of the cast iron part from the mold. Typically, the ejector pin can driven by hitting a stop with a shoulder screw in the axle opening.


It is a small hole that connects the raceway to the cavity. It also acts as a valve by allowing molten plastic to fill the mold. What is injection moulding of plastics The most commonly used gates are the following types.

  1. Sprue gate – when the sprue bush feeds directly into the mold cavity 2. Back gate – reduces the stickiness of the plastic and the mold fills more easily 3. Side gate – feeds plain plastic next to another mold.


The runner is the stream of molten plastic that goes from the sprue to the gate. What is injection moulding of plastics What is injection molding of plastics The cross-sectional area of the raceway should be large to minimize resistance to plastic flow.


A sprue is a channel through which molten plastic enters the mold. Melts from the tip of the system to the runner. It has a thin cross-section for easy extrusion from molds.


The cavity can filled with air before the plastic can inserted. As the melt enters the mold, it can compressed if air cannot escape. The sudden compression of the air creates heat and is enough to burn the plastic and create local hot spots. To avoid this, holes can  precisely machined in the mating surfaces of the molds to allow air to escape. What is injection moulding of plastics Typically, the vent size is 0.025 mm deep and several millimeters wide.

Structural Foam Injection Molding:

These plastics have a dense cellular core. The foam effect can achieved by dispersing an inert gas directly into the molten resin before molding, introducing the gas can usually done by mixing the resin with a chemical blowing agent, which releases the gas when heated. . Nitrogen can usually used for this purpose. What is injection moulding of plastics When a compressed gas or resin mixture can  rapidly injected into the mold cavity. The gas expands explosively, pushing the material to all parts of the mold.

Foamed plastics with good properties can produced using screw injection molding machines. What is injection moulding of plastics Special foam injection molding machines are available to produce parts weighing up to 50 kilograms.

Sandwich Injection Mold:

Sandwich molding can defined as the injection of two or more polymers into one or more cavities one after the other through a dam. What is injection moulding of plastics A thin boundary layer of the first injected material can deposited. The core is plastic. Now, the second material can injected and the core can filled.

The first material takes over the function of leather, a process that can used for all thermoplastic materials. What is injection moulding of plastics Sandwiches may can used if functional, decorative or marble-shaped parts can specified. This process can combined with other high-tech processes such as water injection.

First, the molten polymer flows into the mold cavity through the feed system. Just before the entire flow of molten plastic ends, a special nozzle injects gas into the mold. Gas injection speed. Time and pressure are important. The pressure on the polymer gate is high. What is injection moulding of plastics Therefore, the gas chooses a natural path through the hotter and less viscous regions of the molten polymer towards the lower pressure regions.

By controlling the amount of gas injected into the hollow core, the pressure of the cooling polymer can controlled and maintained until the molding can baked, the final step being the withdrawal of the gas nozzle. This allows the gas to gel in the hollow center vent. What is injection moulding of plastics After this, the mold can opened

Gas Injection Molding:

It is a modern technology that is central to the production of injection-molded plastics using inert gas. Due to this, high properties such as hardness, low stress and deformation can achieved.

First, the molten polymer flows into the mold cavity through the feed system. Just before the entire flow of molten plastic ends, a special nozzle injects gas into the mold. Gas injection speed. Time and pressure are important. The pressure on the polymer gate is high. What is injection moulding of plastics Therefore, the gas chooses a natural path through the hotter and less viscous regions of the molten polymer towards the lower pressure regions.

By controlling the amount of gas injected into the hollow core, the pressure of the cooling polymer can controlled and maintained until the molding can baked, What is injection molding of plastics  the final step being the withdrawal of the gas nozzle. This allows the gas to gel in the hollow center vent. After this, the mold can opened.

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  • Low cost
  • High production rate


  • Only long uniform segments can created
  • Only suitable for mass production
  • Low dimensional accuracy


  • This process is suitable for making parts like tubes, wires, sheets, films etc.

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